Noted Response-To-Intervention
leader and PCG subject matter expert Dr.
Evan Lefsky has written a blog post that helps get behind the question of
why even some research-based interventions sometimes fail. His answer?

Here are a few
highlights from the blog post—take a look at the full post here!
“ In many cases, the same set of supports produces great results in one school or district and poor results in another. Many of these supports are often discontinued when they “fail” without problem-solving to determine “why” they didn’t achieve the desired result. In my experience, the “implementation” of those supports is often the distinguishing feature in successful schools and districts.”
“Before we say
that the instruction, intervention, approach, or teacher failed, it is critical
to ensure through problem-solving that…implementation factors [have] not
undermined our success.”
“The increased
rigor of college and career-ready standards (i.e. CCSS) and the assessments
that measure student success with those standards (i.e. PARCC and SBAC) will
stress even the most sophisticated system of supports. These include supports
to ensure student and teacher success. Will your school and district be ready…?”