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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Want Fantastic, Creative, Practical Ideas for Formative Assessments From Other Teachers? Look at Pinterest!

If you're already on Pinterest then you probably know what a great place it can be to find a quick, last-minute recipe for the summer block party this weekend, or inspiration for changing the look of your living room on a budget, or even a list of fun summer beach-reads to take on vacation.

But have you thought to check out Pinterest for classroom ideas? Research has shown that formative assessment practices really work when they're implemented correctly in thoughtful ways. These practices can help teachers pinpoint students' strengths and weakness with precision, in time to make adjustments and give students the instruction and the tools they need.

Formative assessments can of course look like traditional tests, but there is an enormous variety when it comes to assessing students this way--formally and informally. And Pinterest is a great place to search for some of these more informal assessment strategies. You can do a search for "formative assessments" or get started with THESE BOARDS now and see what other teachers are doing!

A Free Webinar for California Educators: the Smarter Balanced Assessment System

Assessments will play an important role as the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are implemented across most of the United States. If you're an educator in California, no doubt you may be wondering about the latest news and information when it comes to assessments and the resources that Smarter Balanced offers.

This WestEd webinar from March, 2014 (sponsored by the Secondary Literacy Partnership) provides a fantastic, clear overview of the most up-to-date information regarding  the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) system. Deb Sigman and Diane Hernandez (California Dept. of Education) answer questions and review the available resources that educators will want to know about as the new assessments are implemented. Watch the webinar, or download PDFs of the PowerPoint deck to read through for yourself!

Check out the webinar HERE to get informed!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

ELA/Literacy Lessons Aligned to Common Core—Created For Teachers, By Teachers!

It’s always helpful to see what other teachers are doing in their classrooms. Taking a look at lessons developed by other educators can inspire, inform, and challenge you, as well as provide great, concrete ideas for adapting and developing your own lessons that will meet your students' needs.

This lesson bank, from the CCSS-focused non-profit group Student Achievement Partners, offers a collection of nearly 300 free Common Core-aligned ELA/literacy lessons for grades 3-10. The lessons were collaboratively authored, edited, and reviewed by teams of educators with support from Student Achievement Partners. Click HERE to check it out!

Not an ELA instructor? Check out the rest of the website—here’s where to find the homepage—to find resources and ideas for school leaders and math educators as well.

Common Core and Arts Education—Connections and Possibilities!

While much of the initial focus with CCSS has been on ELA and Math during this first stage, there are great reasons to get excited about the possibilities that Common Core offers for arts educators. With an emphasis on critical engagement with source materials and a push toward communicating and conveying ideas, Common Core can connect in important ways with arts pedaogogy.

Interested in knowing more? Take a look at these videos and supporting materials--including a great PowerPoint deck with useful concepts and questions--from a symposium co-hosted by LAUSD Arts Education and the Museum of Contemporary Art. The symposium videos feature educators, school leaders, and arts organization members discussing the intersections and overlaps between Common Core and arts education. Click HERE to check it out!