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One of the areas on which the goals of Common Core are focused is building literacy--not only in traditional ways via ELA education, but also across the curriculum. Reading and writing, and the skills that are part of reading and writing, have an enormous role to play as students learn to engage with a variety of texts, topics, ideas, and problems.
This WestEd webinar takes a closer look at Common Core Reading Anchor Standard 1, and attempts to connect it to evidence-based interpretation in other subjects and areas as well. This is a great opportunity to gain a better, clearer understanding of how the CCSS can help students develop literacy and put interpretive skills to work across disciplines.
One of the major points of focus of the new Common Core State Standards is a seamless connection from early childhood education all the way to higher education and career preparation. But many people have questions about how CCSS can work with very young children. How can early childhood educators align their instruction with Common Core and make sure that they're maintaining developmentally appropriate practices and helping prepare the littlest learners for a transition into elementary school?
Here are a few great blog posts, articles, and resources directed toward early childhood educators. They represent different perspectives and are worth examining for anyone who works with young children, and who wants to learn more about how Common Core will impact the world of early childhood education.
Check out THIS POSITION PAPER from the National Association for the Education of Young Children, which discusses both the benefits and the challenges of the Common Core for early childhood education.
Take a look at THIS COMPREHENSIVE INTRODUCTION to a pre-kindergarten foundation for the Common Core, developed by the New York State Education Department. It includes a vetted sample instructional unit as well!
Watch THIS PRESENTATION by Professor Gillian McNamee as she discusses what it means to have high-quality PreK-3rd grade education in the context of Common Core.
Prof. McNamee's talk was the wrap-up for a conference held by the Erikson Institute of Chicago, focused on pre-k and early childhood education and the impact of Common Core. CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE for a complete list of talks, papers, and resources.