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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Free Video Series--Geometry Instruction for K-8 Teachers!

If you have spare time this summer, take a look at the amazing, in-depth, comprehensive teacher resources from ANNENBERG LEARNER. The mission of the nonprofit organization is "To Advance Excellent Teaching in American Schools." The website is full of fantastic resources for all disciplines, and well worth a closer look.

Included in those resources are a number of in-depth video courses with supporting materials targeted to a variety of grade levels and subject areas. THIS VIDEO SERIES helps frame geometry, not only as a set of skills or objectives for your students to master, but also as a strategic method for problem solving in general. To follow the entire series, you should allow for the better part of a day. Begin with the first session, and then follow along with the prompts to move through the entire series.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Common Core--Spanish Translation!

For educators who work in Spanish-English bilingual classrooms, the notion of translating the Common Core State Standards can mean something much more concrete than finding ways to build rubrics, or develop crosswalks, or create links from one set of resources to another. It can mean finding ways to make actual translations of the standards. And anyone who works across multiple languages knows that translation can very often be a challenging exercise--even moreso when contending with phrases and concepts within the CCSS that demand precision, accuracy, and specificity.

This initiative, a collaboration from the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), the California Department of Education (CDE) and the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE), offers a free version of the Math and ELA Common Core State Standards, in Spanish translation.

CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE! There are book recommendations and other resources available as well, so be sure to look around.

Common Core and English Language Learners--A GREAT Blog to Follow!

Ensuring a smooth transition to Common Core State Standards is especially important for English Language Learners (ELL), who have unique learning needs.

Take a look at the COLORIN COLORADO BLOG, which aims to provide commentary, resources, and support for CCSS implementation with English Language Learners.

There are many great hands-on resources on offer here--one of the most popular posts provides a rubric or crosswalk to help educators determine whether Common Core-aligned curriculum being developed for English Language Learners actually meets the needs of those students. Here is the link to the RUBRIC, which is also available HERE AS A PDF file.