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Friday, February 19, 2016

The Power of Positive Thinking

Brain-based learning refers to teaching methods, lesson designs, and school programs that are based on the latest scientific research about how the brain learns, including such factors as cognitive development—how students learn differently as they age, grow, and mature socially, emotionally, and cognitively. (

Proponents of brain-based learning believe that learning can be improved if educators use a scientific based approach to teaching and learning as opposed to relying on past educational practices and established protocols. Donna Wilson, PhD., and author of Positively Smarter, Smarter Teacher Leadership, Developer of Graduate Programs in Brain-Based Teaching, and Professional Developer, believes that “explicit instruction to guide students toward taking charge of their outlook on academic endeavors can lead to a more positive -- and ultimately more productive -- approach to learning.”

While many believe that there is a natural tendency towards optimism or pessimism, Wilson promotes that idea that individuals can have more control over their feelings by examining three main influences:
  • Thoughts - we are who we believe ourselves to be
  • Behaviors - positive thoughts must be supported by actions and efforts
  • Brain Chemistry - physical activity produces positive neurotransmitters

Dr. Wilson believes that Positive Brains are Smarter Brains. She proposes what she calls the “CIA Model” for a positive approach to learning, where CIA stands for control, influence, and acknowledge.
  • Control - We are in control of our thoughts.
  • Influence - We experience both positive and negative influence. We should choose to focus on the positive.
  • Acknowledge - Some things are out of our control. Recognize those things and move past them.

Dr. Wilson summarizes by stating the following, “By reinforcing that students can take charge of their outlook on learning and life, and by guiding them to develop metacognitive tools to do so, we empower self-directed learners to pursue a positive path.”

Pepper provides a wide range of courses for teachers that allow for growth and learning opportunities. You also have access to Pepper's online learning community where you can meet others who are interested and learning more about brain-based learning.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

February 17 is Digital Learning Day!

The advancement of technology has provided unprecedented access to information and has allowed people to research, learn, and share like never before. Digital Learning Day celebrates the use of digital technology in learning, and in particular, highlights the innovative and forward-thinking use of technology for learning in the classroom. Created by the Alliance for Excellent Education in 2012, Digital Learning Day (DLDay) is a nationwide celebration that highlights great teaching and demonstrates how technology can improve student outcomes.

There are a variety of ways that you can participate in DLDay. Ashley Cronin, a Digital Resource Curator for Edutopia, notes of several ways teachers and schools can get involved:
  • Conduct digital-learning activities and share these with the world. Go paperless for the day, participate in a Google Hangout, get students coding-- the options are endless!
  • Set up showcases of digital student work.
  • Share information about digital-learning resources, tools, and strategies.
  • Get online and on social media to spread the word about digital learning.

Cronin also encourages interested teachers to visit the Digital Learning Video Gallery on the website for the Alliance for Excellent Education. Here educators can "view real-life, practical stories about how district and school leaders are improving learning outcomes through effective use of technology."

The Alliance for Excellent Education has planned a full day of of live digital events that will explore the state of digital equity in schools and communities across America. A complete schedule is below. Click on a session to access additional details.

Schools and educators can also visit the Digital Learning Day website to sign up their event and find out more about what educators are doing across the country to celebrate DLDay. Here you will find contests, videos, and online resources.

Pepper Professional Development Courses and the Resource Library can help you create a more engaged and active classroom that includes digital learning - for you and for your students. We’re adding new courses and resources regularly, so be sure to check them out.