Blending Learning is the popular approach that combines face-to-face instruction with digital learning and resources. There is a great need to prepare our students for the 21st century workplace. Many believe that a blended learning approach gives educators a variety of ways to meet the diverse needs of students, allowing for differentiation of instruction, while also providing data used to drive decision-making. Blended learning will look very different across schools - and even classrooms. The Online Learning Consortium defines blended learning as a course where anywhere from 30%-70% of the instruction is delivered online.

- Find Your Philosophy and Live It - Determine what blended learning will look like in your classroom and know that you will be learning alongside your students. Be prepared for “bumps in the road”. Don’t get discouraged, learn from them and move forward.
- Don’t Wait Around for PD - Find It - Kinsey recommends getting on Twitter and looking for Professional Development opportunities. She also suggests finding a Professional Learning Community. If you use Pepper, you’ve already got one. Pepper is designed to benefit educators in a variety of ways: it provides flexible, unlimited access to online professional learning, supports a blended training approach, provides a collaborative environment where topics can be discussed in small, personal communities, and enables teachers to build a professional portfolio and share best practices with instructional coaches and peers.
- Design and Implement - A good plan and well thought out lessons are the most successful.
Also, as you search for professional development, be sure to visit all of our Pepper course offerings on our website for great options with a blended training approach.
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