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Friday, May 8, 2015

Interactive Summer Reading for Your Students

Teachers (of all subjects!):
Check out The New York Times's sixth annual reading contest and encourage your students to read this summer!

For the past five years, the New York Times has asked teenagers from ages 13 to 19 to read their newspaper over the summer and enter their reading contest. This year, they have improved the contest by adding a better commenting system. Each week, from June 12 - August 14, students will be posed the question, "What interested you most in The Times this week?" They can choose from articles, essays, photos, and videos they have read, seen, or watched to comment on. This creative way to get students to read has become quite popular and particularly apropos for students who don't want to read for hours on end.

Your students have to register to take part in the contest. Read all about it on The New York Times blog.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Thank you, TEACHERS!

from Pepper Professional Learning Network

Teachers Leading Their Students to Success

"All students should be prepared for college and all students should be prepared for careers," says Latosha Guy, English teacher at King Drew Magnet High School in South Central, Los Angeles. Ms. Guy is meeting her students where they are and inspiring them to change their lives. She believes that students are actually crying out for engagement and rigor, but they are also needing a guide to success. Watch this inspiring video about high school students and teachers who are working together to achieve success.

And, if you want to know more about King/Drew Magnet, check out their school website at: