With the Common Core's emphasis on helping students engage more critically and dynamically with texts and ideas, there has never been a better time to bring the lessons and figures from history to life in the classroom. History and the social sciences offer students an incredible arena in which to bring together many of the important elements the CCSS are designed to foster: problem-solving, understanding and predicting patterns, analyzing and building narratives, and synthesizing information from a variety of sources and texts.
Check out these fantastic resources for American history from the University of Maryland--Baltimore County (UMBC)! In addition to a collection of Common Core-aligned lesson plans (CLICK HERE FOR LESSON PLANS), there is a "history lab" site. What is a history lab? According to UMBC, it's a complete research experience for students and teachers, w
hich allows students to begin thinking like historians, engaging primary and secondary materials, looking at overarching questions, and seeking evidence-based answers.
TAKE A LOOK and see how you can incorporate these history labs into your classroom!