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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Ed Tech and Early Learners

Most educators can agree that technology is here to stay, and that 21st-century classrooms and schools cannot afford to pretend otherwise, or they risk letting their students fall behind in an increasingly tech-integrated world. Yet the magnitude and the role of technology in learning--especially when it comes to preschoolers--are not always clear, and experts often have differing ideas about how much tech is too much tech for the earliest learners.

If you're interested in exploring some of the issues--from studies about the impact of screen time on early brain development to a list of best technology integration practices for educators working with early learners--then take a look at this article from Education Week: "Proper Role of Ed Tech in Pre-K a Rising Issue." It surveys some of the questions and challenges surrounding ed-tech and early learners, and offers links to some helpful resources.

Here are a few more places to read up on the issues:

These are important questions to be asking as educators--start exploring the research and the ideas, and get involved in the conversation!