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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

3R's of Summer for Teachers: Rest, Reflect, Renew

Our next several posts will focus on the 3R's of Summer for Teachers: How teachers Rest, Reflect, Renew over their break.

Today we will focus on REST. Like their students, before school is even out, teachers are thinking of summer. Did you know that “rest” is a verb? Google’s dictionary defines rest (v.) as “[to] cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength.” Yes! Teachers need this.

An important aspect of continuing to grow as an educator is taking time for yourself, resting, and doing non-school related things. Vicki Davis from CoolCatTeacher gives 12 Choices to Help You Step Back from Burnout. Summer rest is an important health choice for teachers who have just finished a 10-month marathon. Also check out this EdWeek article, “How Teachers Can Recharge This Summer.

Play can also be an important aspect of "rest" for educators. Elena Aguilar, a Transformational Leadership Coach from Oakland, California, considers “Play” professional development for teachers. While teachers are often eager to learn new teaching practices and take PD courses over the summer, Aguilar believes that incorporating time for play into a teacher’s summer is just as important as professional learning.

Be sure to check out her recent article, Summer Professional Development: Play!

How will you rest - or play - this summer? We’d love to hear how you take time to recharge over the break. Share your comments below.

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