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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The 3R’s of Summer for Teachers: Rest, Reflect, and RENEW

This is the third post in our series, The 3R’s of Summer for Teachers: Rest, Reflect, RENEW. We’ve spent the past two posts talking about the importance of teachers taking time to “rest” from the school year and then to “reflect” on their previous year. As we move to RENEW”, we have to think about rekindling our excitement for teaching and remembering why we chose to teach. Merriam-Webster defines renew as “to make something new, fresh, or strong again”. Each year as teachers, we are called to make learning fresh and exciting for our students. In order to do that, teachers must “feed” themselves so that they can grow and develop as professionals. One way to do that is through summer reading. It’s hard to find time to read professional books during the school year and summer is the perfect time to catch up on new strategies and resources. Edutopia’s article, Summer Reading List: 5 Books on Professional Development, encourages teachers to read a variety of books and recommends the 5 following topics: something fun, something practical, something research-based, something digital, and something connected. Diversifying your reading is a great way to get a wide variety of ideas to take back to your classroom in the fall.
For another great reading topic, be sure to peruse Pepper’s Course Catalog. Check out the growing list of professional development offerings, covering topics from Language Arts and Mathematics to Writing and Special Education. 
We’ll be talking more about online professional development later this week. Be sure to check back - OR sign up to receive "The Big Idea" directly to your email each time it's updated. To do this, simply add your email under "Follow PepperPCG Posts by E-mail!to the right.

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