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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Blended Learning: The Teacher as Learner

Blended Learning combines traditional face-to-face classroom instruction with online learning. The mix of technology and traditional provides a great approach that appeals to many different types of learners.
The significant increase of online and blended learning across educational environments requires providing high-quality professional development to prepare teachers and administrators so they may be prepared to meet the needs of their students. “We live in a moment of unprecedented change, and our conceptions of schooling and education are being challenged in fundamental ways.” (Educating Modern Learners) So, what does all this change mean for teachers and students? Students have access to technology at an earlier age than ever before and tend to see it as a fundamental tool to their everyday lives. Teachers are being encouraged to use technology as a tool for teaching and for their own learning. Educators need to understand new approaches and digital tools that allow for teaching in a blended environment. School leaders need to guide and direct these new initiatives to enable their teachers to be successful and for their students to learn.

Forbes recently published an article titled, The Teacher as the Learner: Professional Development for Online and Blended Learning. Author Barbara Kurshan states, “Some educators erroneously believe that blended learning is merely traditional, face-to-face learning that incorporates digital resources.  Similarly, many educators mistakenly assume that online learning should mirror classroom learning.  These misconceptions do not allow teachers to leverage the benefits of technology for more effective, engaged learning. Since teachers will continue to be expected to develop technology-based approaches for instructional delivery and assessment, the prevalence of these misconceptions makes it essential to offer professional development for teachers to learn how to teach in virtual environments.”

Pepper provides online learning environments for teachers that allow them to gain exposure to digital learning in ways that will help them teach their students - both online and face-to-face. Additionally, Pepper does offer blended learning opportunities. One such opportunity is taking place for Connecticut educators. This cohort of teachers will meet over 4 weeks for Designing Powerful Instructional Units: ELA & Literacy. The face-to-face portion will be facilitated with an additional 3-4 hours/week of online work.  This is a practical module that will allow participants to design - or refine - a curriculum unit that they can use in their classroom or share online.
Kurshan continues to share that professional learning networks, such as your Pepper Learning Community, have become a popular means of educator collaboration. As learners interact with fellow educators from around the country exposure to digital literacies can inform teaching and learning in powerful ways. Digital technologies and online tools have the potential to create powerful learning experiences for all types of learners - both professional teachers and students.

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