The course, Teacher to Teacher: Supporting Students with ADHD helps educators identify common ADHD-related learning problems and learn about proven classroom techniques, interventions, and the latest research to enhance school success for students with ADHD. This course is designed by teachers for teachers, this multi-session, interactive training course is developed and taught by expert educators. CEUs are available upon completion of the course.
October is National ADHD Awareness ADHD Awareness and the theme for this year is Knowing is Better. According to ADHD Awareness Month, the theme was chosen based on the idea that “it’s better for parents to know that ADHD might be part of the picture so they can seek out the help their children need; it’s better for young adults to know about their ADHD so they might arrange for appropriate accommodations in school or the workplace; and it’s better for adults to recognize their ADHD instead of feeling destined to a life of underachievement and frustration.”
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